In the latter half of World War Two, the War Cabinet sanctioned the formation of a committee to consider a post-war world of air transport. Appointed to chair the group, which included politicians, engineers, businessmen and aircraft builders, was John Theodore Cuthbert Moore-Brabazon (later Lord Brabazon of Tara). This was an inspired choice, as Brabazon was the first man in Britain to hold a Private Pilot’s Licence. He had advocated and promoted aviation in Britain from the earliest days. The Brabazon Committee also had the foresight to embrace an emerging method of propulsion: gas-turbine or jet engine technology. They, rightly, placed piston-engines – which were quite advanced at the time – at the forefront but made a case for the gas-turbine. This enabled Geoffrey de Havilland and Ronald Bishop to begin building a pure-jet airliner to be powered by engines designed by Frank Halford. A very brave move from de Havilland and one that gave Britain the lead over the rest of the world. The de Havilland DH 106 Comet aircraft made history as the first jet airliner to fly and also as the first to offer a scheduled jet passenger service. Even though more than sixty years have elapsed since that first flight, the story of the Comet continues to excite and inspire.