AUTHOR Colin A Owers turns his attention to the large twin-motored Caudron R.11 escort fighter that served with such distinction in the closing months of WWI. With its torpedo-like fuselage housing pilot and a pair of gunners' stations ,the lanky Caudron provided close escort/protection to French day bombers as they made their depredations over German territory.This truly unique DATAFILE covers the R.11 in unprecented depth with over 60 rare photos,contemporary sketches,plus eight pages of detailed 1:48 and 1:72 scale general arrangement drawings by Marty Digmayer that profile this classic aeroplane as never before. Add to this nine stunning new colour profiles by Ronny Bar plus Roberto Zanella's brilliant cover painting and you have a combination of talent that marks out DATAFILE 161 as a landmark in this long-running series.
Les avis sur le produit CAUDRON R.11 WINDSOCK DATAFILE 161