Fermeture estivale du 1er août inclus au 22 août 2023
First published in 1986 as Air Band Radio Handbook, David J Smith’s Air Traffic Control Handbook is now into its 11th edition. From its original publication, the book has been acknowledged as the essential reference for ground-based air band listeners, as well as for student and private pilots and those with an interest in Air Traffic Control. This new edition, has been fully updated with changes in procedure, radio frequencies and call signs, and is illustrated in colour, making the book an incredible source of information for all those interested in the subject and all those contemplating a career in ATC.
Air Traffic controller David J Smith’s accessible and comprehensive text explains the intricacies of air traffic control and its jargon, enabling the reader to locate and interpret what is actually going on in the airways overhead. This fully revised new edition is a book that no one with an interest in the subject can afford not to have on his or her shelves
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